Name: Skety Newf

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 303 lbs.

Age: 33

Hometown: Bay Robert's, Newfoundland

Alignment: Face

Theme Music: 'The Night Pat Murphy Died'

Background: Lived in Newfoundland his whole life. His whole family were fisherman right from his great-grand father down to his father. He grew up fishing his whole life but then lost it all when the fishery was taken away from him.

Career High Points: The Skety Newf was two time EHW World Champion and two time EHW TV Title. When the federation closed he was the World Champion.

AWNA Titles Held: none

Primary Finisher: The Fish Hook (Mandible Claw)

Brief Discription: He had short greasy brown hair, with a long dirty looking beard. He wears flanal shirts that are also very dirty. He has a pair of yellow hip rubbers that are all marked up with mud. He reaks of rotten fish.

Manager: n\a